Amidst the spirited summer atmosphere one might think that I would be acutely aware of the individuality of each child, volunteer and staffer. After all, it is during summer camp that the staff, volunteers and children have the most intimate contact with one another. Even though I have spent much of my time in the office this summer I log many more hours with the children during summer camp than I do during the after school program. Despite this added time with the children my mind often obsesses about my responsibilities as executive director.

As director I am fixated with numbers. How much money do we have? How much money do we need? What is the needed number of volunteers? What is the needed number of staff members? How many community partners do we have? How many funders do we have? My mind is constantly concerned with the size and scope of our organization.

On Thursday of this week one of our best staff members, Trey Sullivan, completed his final week of service with the Stewart Center. Trey is headed to Washington, D.C. to engage in other worthy pursuits but he will be sorely missed in Reynoldstown. As an after school tutor and summer counselor Trey helped lead our academic enrichment efforts. As a part of a summer staff full of remarkable people Trey’s commitment and enthusiasm for the Center’s children exemplified Christ-like service.

As I reflected this week on Trey’s involvement with the Stewart Center I realized that the nature of his contribution is rare in community ministry. Trey never sought personal benefit from his ministry at the Stewart Center. Although I am sure he was blessed by the relationships he formed with the children it was obvious that Trey was absolutely sold out for the betterment of the kids he taught. Trey’s enthusiasm and passion was infectious among the other staff, volunteers and children.

Trey did not pursue brownie points, gold stars or pats on the back. He served for the sake of service and in so doing reminded me that each staff member, volunteer, child and contributor is singular in their contribution to the Center’s ministry. The number of staffers, volunteers, children, and funders matter but it is the individuals in those groups that help make the Stewart Center community a reflection of God’s Kingdom. For each person that has passed the way of the Stewart Center since its founding in 1916, we who currently serve are indebted.

We are grateful to Trey Sullivan for the lessons he taught us all. Good luck and God bless, Trey.
