Pittsburgh Community Market
Pittsburgh Yards 352 University Ave SW, Atlanta, GA, United StatesPittsburgh Community Market Saturday, July 13th, 12-5pm Location: James Bridges Fields, Pittsburgh Yards
Pittsburgh Community Market Saturday, July 13th, 12-5pm Location: James Bridges Fields, Pittsburgh Yards
Family Art Picnic – The Happy Black Parent Saturday, July 13th, 1:00pm -2:00pm Location: Pittsburgh Yards Tickets: Eventbrite - Family Art Picnic
The Happy Black Parent 3rd Annual Children's Book Festival will be held at Pittsburgh Yards and we need your help! The Pittsburgh Yards' James Bridges Field will turn into a summer reading paradise! Families from across Atlanta will come to enjoy The Happy Black Parent 3rd Annual Children's Book Festival. And, we need your help!
Pittsburgh Community Market Saturday, July 20th, 12-5pm Location: James Bridges Fields, Pittsburgh Yards
Register for the June series here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_UNEXmif6Tm6paL4jUcnkMA Register for the July series here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_LlbaHG_xR2ad0101Dr5D3Q
Pittsburgh Community Market Saturday, July 27th, 12-5pm Location: James Bridges Fields, Pittsburgh Yards
BluePrint 58 Back2 School Sunday, July 28, 2-4pm Location: 931 McDaniel Street SW Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/family-art-picnic-tickets-777009284687?aff=oddtdtcreator There will be food, backpacks, school supplies, and games! Neighbors can pre-register for backpacks here. We will have backpacks available without registering, but priority will be given to families who have signed up. If you have not pre-registered, backpacks will be first come,
Early August Event - Inspirational Fitness Bootcamp Saturday, August 3rd, 9-10am Location: James Bridge Field at Pittsburgh Yards REGISTER: Eventbrite - Fitness Bootcamp Pittsburgh Yards-based SPEAD Inc. X MB3 Connection Inspirational Fitness Bootcamp - BACK 2 SCHOOL EDITION (support goes to a local NPUV elementary school) Location: James Bridge Field at Pittsburgh Yards 9 am to 10