NPU-V Community Meeting
Join us for our monthly meeting for residents of Neighborhood Planning Unit V! NPU-V encompasses the communities of Mechanicsville, Summerhill, Peoplestown, Pittsburgh, Adair Park, and Capitol Gateway. The meeting will be held on Monday, April 12th, at 7pm via Zoom. Participants will need to register in advance for this meeting via this link: To join,
Food Distribution
Ariel Bowen UMC 384 Arthur St. SW, Atlanta, GA, United StatesPittsburgh Yards: Virtual Community Update
Save the date! Join us online for our latest monthly virtual community meeting. Stay tuned closer to the date of the meeting, here and on social media, for additional agenda items and more. ONLINE: or BY PHONE: 929-205-6099 Conference ID Number: 966 6059 6918 Passcode: 684645
Food Distribution
Ariel Bowen UMC 384 Arthur St. SW, Atlanta, GA, United StatesPittsburgh Community Market
Pittsburgh Yards 352 University Ave, Atlanta, GAPittsburgh Collaborative’s First Annual Virtual Spring Gala and Fundraiser
The Pittsburgh Collaborative is celebrating its 4th year as a non-profit community advocate with a virtual gala and fundraiser on April 24th. The virtual gala will feature jazz, R&B and rap, and to help raise funds we’ll offer fine art from Gilbert Young and the Blackberry Arts Collective. Atlanta’s own Jerry “Smokin’ B” will narrate