Events for December 14, 2024 - December 15, 2024


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NPU-V Monthly Meeting

Join us for our monthly meeting for residents of Neighborhood Planning Unit V! NPU-V encompasses the communities of Mechanicsville, Summerhill, Peoplestown, Pittsburgh, Adair Park, and Capitol Gateway.

NPU-V Record Clearing Event

Do you have a GEORGIA criminal record? YOU MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR a second chance by registering for the NPU-V Expungement Clinic. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED by December 17.

Cooking Matters at KROC Atlanta

Salvation Army Kroc Atlanta 967 Dewey Street SW, Atlanta, GA, United States

Free cooking and nutrition classes for the whole family. Learn new recipes, get a free gift card for groceries and enjoy dinner together once a week as a family!

Family Nights at KROC Atlanta

Salvation Army Kroc Atlanta 967 Dewey Street SW, Atlanta, GA, United States

A night for the whole family at Kroc Atlanta! Come and try one of the many classes we offer. Class space is limited, and registration is required. Classes are free for members and $10 for potential members.

CHRIS180 Trauma Response Network Training

Chris 180 1030 Fayetteville Rd, Atlanta, GA, United States

Trauma-informed trainings are where families can learn how trauma impacts the brain and our behavior, healthy coping mechanisms for said trauma(s), and information on how to deal with daily stressors.

Atlanta College and Career Academy Spring Open House Event

Atlanta College and Career Academy 1090 Windsor St. SW, Atlanta, GA, United States

The Atlanta College and Career Academy will host a Spring Open House Event for current 9th, 10th and 11th grade students to learn about all of the wonderful programs available for the 2022-2023 school year.

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